Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Pianist needed for "Toulouse-inations"
To whom it may concern:
We're looking for a pianist who can accompany cabaret singers for four very simple, bluesy (I-IV-V changes) musical numbers in Catclaw Theatre's "Toulouse-inations" for five performances.
Ability to play "head arrangements" without sheet music is a plus. So is some familiarity with jazz.
Pianist will be compensated. Contact us for details.
The performance schedule is:
Thu, August 7 - 8pm
Fri, August 8 - 8pm
Sat, August 9 - 8pm
Sun August 10 - 2pm
The show is at the Mex Theatre, Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts.
Stage Manager Karissa Singleton at or 593-7948, or:
Artistic Director Jeffrey Scott Holland at or 649-3378.